Tuesday, 6 July 2021

How did Digital Business Cards become an integral part of today’s business world?

It is not only due to Covid - 19 that the world has seen the transition from face-to-face meetings to a completely online-based business structure. The world was already on the stepping stones of this change where, investor meetings, work from home, virtual meetings were all carried on for efficiency and economy.

But with Covid - 19 taking over the entire world, the process of slow adaption to the digital world shifted to a necessity for livelihood. This shift had its effect in every field be it conferences, designing, collaboration or even creating new contacts. Currently, we are a part of a system where online conferences have completely taken over any in-person interaction so why do we have to exclude the way share and make new contacts.

To bridge this gap, Digital Business Cards have been introduced on a large scale. They were present before the pandemic but only a select few would choose to work with them. But in today’s day and age, a Digital Business Card has become a necessity for every business.

This brings us to the main question which is, what is a Digital Business Card, and what are the major advantages of having one. Well, a Digital Business Card is exactly what its name suggests. It is simply a digital version of your regular paper-based business card. During your online meetings, it is technically impossible for you to share your paper-based business cards, and thus your need of sharing your information and creating new contacts is fulfilled by the Digital Business Cards.

There are countless advantages of possessing a Digital Business Card and in this blog, we will try to highlight some of the major reasons as to why you should switch to DigitalBusiness Cards. First and foremost, they come with enough space that you get creative with and add a personal touch to them. You have the option to share it across all the platforms be it your laptop or phone or PC. You even have the option to add extra details to it like your social media account, a logo, your introductory video, or even a simple photo. You have the option to add any and everything you wish to add.

Secondly, not only are they convenient for you to share but also act as a full proof plan to stay in touch with your potential clients. We all are aware of what happens to the bunch of paper-based business cards after a while. Either they are discarded or lost. But with these Digital Business Cards, you can be assured that you will stay in touch with them.